Team Perspective

Putting Wellness and Abundance 
on our Must Have List
We Interrupt this Pending Summer

To ask if you would like to be more financially stable by Christmas?

If your answer if YES- you need to start planning now. 

This Fall (starting September 10th) I am hosting a Six Week Business Building Bootcamp to get new business builders up, running and confident enough to earn commissions in time for Christmas!!

If you have been curious about how to do this business in a respectful and authentic way OR have been trying to find an answer for more month than money —THIS bootcamp is for you!

Honest, realistic and effective practices will be taught so you can begin your Young Living business without feeling alone, salesy, overwhelmed or fake. 

If you are already a Hell Yes”’for the Bootcamp, make sure you click “Going” on the link below so you get reminders and access to the chat group. 

There will be a Q&A session before the bootcamp begins that is open to all but the bootcamp and all its perks will be exclusively for people building a business on my team. 

If you have questions BEFORE the Q&A session connect with me to chat.

Purpose over Pickle Ball! 
How to Play the Retirement Long Game

Retirement looked great at the beginning! No schedules. No bosses breathing down your neck. A time to spend the day any way you want. Free time in abundance.

And that was great........for a while.

But now you are looking for something other than Pickle Ball and Potlucks to fill your time. A way to make you feel like your life has direction and excitement! A way to earn after retirement that doesn't crimp your style? And hey, more money wouldn't be bad either!

Well let's chat about Young Living!

I started as a product user - then turned oil lover who really wanted to just share all the wonderful health benefits I have received from using these amazing products. My friends are late 50s and 60s and I have to tell you, we are all feeling some effects of aging. Not feeling useful is one of them!  

Add to that the retirement income we thought would comfortably support us for a long time is being pressured like never before. 

So let's combine our desire to find purpose in our lives with some extra money per month and VOILA! you have a YL business

Think about a business that is as big as you want it to be with an income to match........What would you do with some extra $$$ a month?

I host monthly business calls via Zoom. Click below if you want an invite.

Open to all 😊

Zoom link:

PSSSST -- If you aren't retired or looking at retirement, Young Living is also a great business for YOU! 

Earn extra income, find a fantastic, supportive community and improve your own well-being! 

So whether you are looking to add a bit to your bottom line, replace an entire income or create an entirely new lifestyle, developing a Young Living Business can help you achieve your goals.  Click the link to see the REAL numbers possible in this business.

I can't make an event but want to know more!
Send me more information on how a Young Living business can
support and improve my retirement years!

I have more to give!

Check out this video on how to make your first $100! 

Information courtesy of Christina Rozema