Resources For the Journey
Essential Oil Education 
These will get you up to speed in no time!

Life Sciences Press has many terrific Essential Oil and Business Building resources. The Essential Oils Desk Referenge should be in everyone’s library.

The Revolution Oils Podcast by Samantha Lee Wright is an in-depth and comprehensive EO education — check it out!

Building your business

These are some of my favorites.

The Screw the 9-5 podcast will definitely help take your business online then to another level! Listen UP!

Sarah Harnish’s Book “Gameplan” is a Young Living specific, step-by-step guide for going from Star to Platinum. easy to reaand implement!

Samantha Lee Wright’s “Revolution Oils 30 Day Business Boot Camp” is EVERYTHING you need to know about getting your business underway even before you own a PSK!

Lifestyle and Leadership Resources
Life is about balance. Here are some books that can help.

”The Four Agreements” by don Miguel Ruiz

“Stop Checking Your Likes” by Susie Moore

Basic Chakra Education