Future Proofing Your Career

Get my free workbook, 
Future Proofing: 
How to Confidently Surf New Waves of Work Change 
without Losing your Balance

What is Future Proofing?

Personal development is the process of improving oneself through conscious habits and activities. 

Future proofing is a way of thinking about a plan that ensures it will be effective in the future even if the conditions within which you work change. 

Together they form a powerful methodology for keeping you on track, authentic to your purpose, and working from integrity.
With this workbook you will answer these questions:

"What do I want out of life?"
"What are my goals and ambitions?"
"What is currently standing in the way of my achieving these goals?"
"What do I want/need to learn?"
" What do I have to do?"
"What support and resources do I need?"
"How will I measure success?"

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of Work Change without Losing your Balance

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